Overlooking the city of Toledo, about an hour from Madrid. This was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.
So, after months and months of planning, crazy suitcase shenanigans, and just about driving everyone I know crazy with details about residences and baggage allowances, I have finally (FINALLY!) made it to Madrid, Spain. This is, without a doubt, one of the most magnificent places I have ever been. I still cannot believe all this. I cannot believe how lucky I am to be able to spend a semester here, and I cannot believe I actually signed myself up to do it.
First of all, it must be said that this has not exactly been the exciting, carefree adventure that most people think of when they think of studying abroad. I do not think I realized this until I arrived here, but this is the first time in my life I've ever had to start a completely new life. Even when I went to college I knew a certain number of friends from home would be in Columbia with me. From the moment I stepped into my residencia, a large part of me wanted to just turn around and go home. Even now that I'm starting to settle in (I've been here for five days), I still miss my friends, family, pets, and, yes, country more than I ever thought was possible. I hope everyone back in the states is keeping happy and healthy and I will see you soon!
First of all, it must be said that this has not exactly been the exciting, carefree adventure that most people think of when they think of studying abroad. I do not think I realized this until I arrived here, but this is the first time in my life I've ever had to start a completely new life. Even when I went to college I knew a certain number of friends from home would be in Columbia with me. From the moment I stepped into my residencia, a large part of me wanted to just turn around and go home. Even now that I'm starting to settle in (I've been here for five days), I still miss my friends, family, pets, and, yes, country more than I ever thought was possible. I hope everyone back in the states is keeping happy and healthy and I will see you soon!
OK, so, all that said, I am starting to love this city and this experience! I've met some really amazing people from all over and I cannot wait to get to know them better! I have two American roommates who are both really nice as well as six other roommates from all over the world. The housing set up is a little different from what I expected, but it's really clean, comfortable and only a five or ten minute walk from the metro (we finally figured out how to get an unlimited monthly pass!), which can take you pretty much anywhere you want to go.
Yesterday we (my study abroad group) went to Toledo, the former capital of Spain, which has a rich history full of Christian, Jewish and Muslim influences. They have amazing little shops that specialize in, among other things, swords - I plan on taking my brother there. Seems right up his alley. : )
Even in the short time I've had between orientation, unpacking, and generally freaking out about the upcoming semester, I've gotten to see a fair bit of Madrid. I love it so far! We live in a busy residential neighborhood full of interesting little shops, restaurants and tapas bars. I'm always only a metro ride away from unbelievable amounts of shopping and nightlife. The people of Madrid (called madrileños, pronounced "Ma-dril-AIN-yos") do not mess around when it comes to going out at night, which makes this a really exciting place to be a twenty year old! Today we went to this open air market called el Rastro, and later I might check out the Museo del Prado (free on Sunday nights). I've already become addicted to cafe con leche (basically amazing espresso with hot milk, I do not think I'll ever look at Folger's the same). The Spanish people I've met so far have all been helpful and, while everyone stumbles a little bit at first (literally and metaphorically), I think Madrid may very well be one of the most wonderful places in the entire world. I am so excited to see what else is out here! All I need is my suitcase to arrive and I'll be right at home.

Toledo, Ohio is a sister city of Toledo, Spain. This is the "Calle de Toledo de Ohio," or "Toledo of Ohio Street." On a side note, most of the street signs in both Toledo and Madrid are made of similar painted tile. SO pretty.

This is a view off of the main plaza in Toledo, the Plaza de Zocodover. Note the Muslim arch. Or don't. Either way this city was just really, really pretty.
I feel like nuns couldn't make me the sinful sugary confections that I so desire...