I'm writing this from a seaside(ish) cafe in Portugal, and its weird thinking that, when I get on a plane in a few hours, I'm not going back to my daily life in Madrid after a long weekend. Also, unlike the many times I've left Charleston and Columbia, it's VERY strange to know that I might not EVER be going back ( at least definitly not as a student and probably not as a resident).
It goes without saying that (1) I miss Madrid, (2) I learned alot there, (3) I am a better, stronger and wiser person for having spent the last four monthes in Spain. If you would like more reflective study-abroad type feelings, ask me in person : ) Or just read this: http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/02/22/72-study-abroad/
That said, it is worth noting that I will REALLY miss the people I met in Spain! The other students I was able to make friends with were people I never would have met otherwise, and I hope everyone will be able to stay in touch! If any of you ever need a place to stay in South Carolina, look me up.
I can't stress enough how bizarre this whole experience has felt, and how incomprehesible it seems that I will be back in Charleston in little under a month. I can't wait to see everyone there! For now, however, I have a plane to catch! Look for more updates soon, as well as pictures on Facebook from Madrid, Dublin, Lisbon and all further travels!

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