Pretty Irish park!
A few weeks ago Kendra (one of my roommates) and I took a weekend trip to Ireland, which is still my favorite country in the world (think your country's better? Invite me over and I'll let you know). This trip was especially fun for two reasons: for starters, I had been there before and knew a little bit about the history, culture, etc. (Poor Kendra had to sit through many a lecture and tidbit, but she listened like a champ). Secondly, we took the train to Belfast (which is in Northern Ireland, so not even the same country) for a night. It was my first time seeing Northern Ireland! It was beautiful. We ate amazing food, met some people from around the world (Canadians! Frenchies! Irish! Oh my!), saw a beautiful country, bought some stuff with shamrocks on it, drank more Bulmer's than I care to admit,and generally had a lovely time. I miss it and I can't wait to go back!
We left the second week of May, which was especially significant since that was almost a year to the day from the first time I went to Ireland. Dublin felt so much smaller the second time, but I still felt like the Irish are the friendliest people in the world and I hope to go back for longer some day. The first time I went was the first time I ever left the States, so going back provided quite the opportunity to reminisce over the last year. Quick, take a second to think about everything that has happened to you in the past year......Ok now stop thinking and continue reading. Good job. : )
Me in Ireland last year. Same coat, different Kathleen.
But seriously (sappy summing up in the style of "Scrubs" or "Sex and the City," this last year has been really rough in a lot of ways, but I have gotten to do so much and I am so grateful to be where I am now. Hope all of y'all feel the same way!

By the way, when we were in Belfast we got to see one of my favorite bands, Frightened Rabbit. They were amazing! Check them out here:
The opening band was a local group from Belfast. They were basically a sequined choir of hipsters, but were actually really fun.
ReplyDeletealso, damn girl, you lookin good in that coat, even a year later :)
*insert generic saying about ireland/irish people*
traitor, you'd been to Mexico.